Ticks - Movie Review
Review By: Megan Loomis
Ami was wonderful in Virtual Reality. This is the first movie of hers I have seen. I am currently renting many thrillers from the 80's and the 90's, and she is so great at displaying tension and glamour both at once. The movie is a sexy fantasy, where fantasy crosses the line into danger.
   Out of 5 Stars
Review By: Mark Oneil
Great movie
    Out of 5 Stars
Review By: Pamela Grimberg
I love ticks! You are my idol! I want to be a genie like you when I grow up! My favorite part of ticks is when you step in the puddle! Puddles are dangerous!! You never know when one will show up! Also, I thought that when you said "hold this for me will ya hon?" that it was worthy of an Oscar! Ticks is the best movie ever! Every night I dream that I could have a drop of water from the puddle you made famous! Please write me! I'm your biggest fan and the biggest tick fan on earth!!!!
    Out of 5 Stars
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