PumpkinHead II - Movie Review
Review By: Justine Ryan
Pumpkinhead II actually isn't a bad movie. Sure, when Pumpkinhead strikes and kills the people that did him wrong is kind of mediocre, but scenes with Ami Dolenez and J.Trevor Edmond I quite like. So if your a horror movie fan or a fan of J.Trevor or Ami- check it out.
  Out of 5 Stars
Review By: Jamie Nail
A slowly but ok horror flick ami sure can scream hopefuly she will be the next scream queen.
 Out of 5 Stars
Review By: Derek Reid
My expectations for Pumpkin Head II were not that high when I rented it. Cause let's face it...horror movie sequels are usually a studio's attempts to squeeze any remaining dollars out of a franchise. But not this one. Lead by a unique cast of teens in the "wrong crowd" (including the remarkable Ami Dolenz) "Blood Wings" is able to maintain a creativity and intensity that is nearly on the same level as its predecessor.
   Out of 5 Stars
Review By: Sansebastian Lucanor
My review is short: why?
why did you do it Ami? you dont need the money. It's not like you just got off the bus from omaha. why, why, why amy? it's work like that that makes this cite seem bizarre... know what i mean?
Out of 5 Stars
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