Children Of The Night - Movie Review
Review By: Kendall Wright
This movie is alright, for a b-movie about vampires, I loved the grandmother of Dolenz's character. Peter Deluise (Son of Dom and co-star of 21 Jump Street at the time) did a pretty good job too, but Ami was the best in this film, you should watch it. The film also co-stars Karen Black.
  Out of 5 Stars
Review By: Gary Hunter
The only reason this dud gets a second star is because of the beauty of Ami Dolenz and the chick that plays her friend. The movie itself is poorly written and poorly acted--except by Dolenz, who does the best she can with what's she's given to work with. I kept watching the movie just to see how bad "bad" could be. The opening scene with the doc and lawyers could have been pulled off better by an 8th grade drama class. I'm glad Ami has several other film and tv credits to her name...I would hate for her to be remembered by this clunker of a movie.
 Out of 5 Stars
Review By: Jamie Nail
This is movie was a bit gross and slowly with no plot not one of Ami's best could have been better.
 Out of 5 Stars
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